The goal of the Rehabilitation Program is to remediate blight in the local community and return distressed properties to productive use. Most properties sold out of the Land Bank’s inventory are offered under the Rehabilitation Program. When purchasing a property from the Land Bank, a new owner is asked to complete certain baseline rehabilitation actions, which must generally be completed within three months. The degree of rehabilitation required by the Land Bank varies based upon the state of the property, the nature of its purchase, and the prominence of its location. As a baseline, however, the Land Bank asks purchasers to alleviate the external blight on a property—by cleaning, fixing, and maintaining the outside of any structure on the property, or alternatively by demolishing and cleaning the parcel.
In return for completing these obligations, the Land Bank prices these properties below their market value. Consequently, through this discount, the Land Bank supports new owners who wish to invest directly into the properties and create a real difference in their communities.
To view available properties owned by the Land Bank, please Search All Properties.