The Land Bank is proud to work closely with a number of municipalities across Wayne County to tackle distressed properties, blight, and divestment. Interested municipalities are invited to sign an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) with the Land Bank, which gives the community optional access to the following Land Bank services:
Quiet Title. The Land Bank helps the community clear title to public-owned property by placing selected property through its Quiet Title Program. Read more about our Quiet Title Program www.waynecountylandbank.com/programs/quiet-title.
Nuisance Abatement. The Land Bank and community partner on a legal action, filed in court, to address abandoned and dilapidated properties that pose a blight to the neighborhood. Through this process, the Land Bank and community work to gain control of the property or to hold an absentee owner accountable, ensuring that the blight is remediated.
Guided Growth. The Land Bank and community work to obtain, develop, and return to productive use a tax-foreclosed local property that has potential to generate investment and economic stability in the municipality.
Land Assembly. In a community where the municipality (or a third-party partner) is working on a development that requires land assembly, the Land Bank possesses the legal tools and expertise to serve as the lead land assembly entity.
Greenspace Activation. Turning vacant land into activated space carries significant benefits for a local community. Towards this end, the Land Bank brings technical expertise and resources to help spearhead a greenspace activation process from inception to completion.
Multi-Family Housing. Many Wayne County residents, in particular young professionals and retirees, express a preference for living in apartments or townhouses rather than detached, single-family homes. Yet communities often lack inventory to satisfy this demand. As an effort to chance the situation, the Land Bank partners with interested communities to explore funding and development opportunities for multi-family housing.
Residential Rehabilitation and Development. The Land Bank and community work to rehabilitate publicly-owned properties through partnerships with private and public developers.
Land Ownership Audit. Public land in Southeast Michigan often comes with a clouded and fragmented ownership history. Drawing upon its expertise in title research and geographic information systems (GIS), the Land Bank reviews, assesses, and maps the property owned by a local community, in the process identifying ownership issues and areas with development potential.