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Rehabilitation Program

The goal of the Rehabilitation Program is to remediate blight in the local community and returned distressed properties to productive use.

Quiet Title

The Wayne County Land Bank holds statutory authority to quiet title on a property, clearing any interests or ownership disputes that may cloud the property’s chain of title.

Side Lot Program

The Side Lot Program is designed to turn vacant, publicly-owned, and tax-foreclosed properties into yards, driveways, and gardens for Wayne County residents.

Exterior Home Repair Program

The intention of the program is to provide external repairs on your house including but not limited to roofing, windows, doors, and stairs.

Municipal Partnership Toolkit

The Wayne County Land Bank has entered into agreements to perform certain legal services for a municipal partner, such as Nuisance Abatement and Quiet Title actions.


The Land Bank is working with governmental partners to demolish hazardous and unsalvageable structures in Wayne County.

Occupied Program

The Wayne County Land Bank contains properties in its inventory are currently occupied by an unauthorized occupant.
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